Thursday, October 8, 2015

In any type of businesses, an accountant is needed. You have to consider that accounting is basically the language in business and having enough knowledge about accountancy is essential for businessmen and women to know how their business is doing. This is why accounting professionals are very much in demand today. And, a lot of certified accountants have become quite successful in their field and some have even started their own business.

The great thing about this career is that it will enable you to interact with all levels of business and you will also learn a lot from it.

So, just what does it take to become an accountant and follow this career?

First of all, you need to know about the eligibility in becoming an accountant.

You need to be a graduate in a 4 year bachelor's degree in accountancy or any related field. Aside from this, an accountant should be able to have good analytical and technical expertise in business systems. Good mathematical aptitude is also a must-have for accountants. And, because computers are now one of the most used medium in computing, you should also have knowledge and the operating skills of a computer.

Another requirement is that you will need a bachelor's degree with a minor in another subject. This should be taken from an accredited college or university in order for you to apply for Master's in accounting.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

GlobalExindo melayani jasa foto udara untuk berbagai keperluan. Pemetaan/Aerial Mapping Dokumentasi acara dan kegiatan/event Foto & video udara 360 virtual tour Jasa Drone GlobalExindo diperkuat dengan armada MultiCopter DJI Spreadwing yang terkenal dengan kestabilannya. Dilengkapi dengan navigasi GPS.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Paket Wisata Bromo Tanpa Menginap
Paket Lengkap Premium
Only Rp 475rb/org
Paket 6 orang
* Lengkap ke 6 objek wisata sekaligus
* Waktu bebas tanpa ikatan, sampai PUAS
* Driver dan guide sangat ramah
6 Objek Wisata:
1. Sunrise Penanjakan
2. Bukit Cinta (spot foto)
3. Kawah Gunung Bromo
4. Pura Luhur Poten
5. Bukit Teletubies / Padang Savana
6. Pasir Berbisik
Include + Fasilitas:
1. Mobil + Driver ( Sbya – Bromo PP)
2. BBM
3. Sewa Jeep ke 6 objek wisata
4. Tiket wisatawan lokal
(wisatawan asing + Rp. 300rb / org)
5. Snack + Air Mineral
6. Parkir + Tol
Tidak Termasuk:
1. Sewa kuda
(*bisa jalan kaki ke puncak bromo)
2. Makan & Pengeluaran pribadi
(tdk menginap)
Jadwal Wisata
Day 1
22.00 Jemput di Surabaya ( Stasiun / Airport / Alamat lain di Surabaya )
22.30 Menuju Bromo
Day 2
02:00 Di perkiraan tiba di transit point, (istirahat sejenak)
03:00 Bersiap – siap untuk Bromo Sunrise Tour
03:15 Menuju Penajakan 1 untuk melihat Matahari Terbit / Sunrise
04:00 Tiba di Penanjakan 1. Lalu menunggu dan menikmati keindahan Sunrise. Dilanjut foto di Bukit Cinta
06:00 Turun ke Lautan Pasir
06:30 Berjalan kaki / naik kuda menuju tangga Bromo.
09:30 Berkumpul di parkir jeep menuju ke padang savana / bukit teletubbies.
10.30 Berkumpul di parkiran jeep menuju pasir berbisik.
11.30 Kembali ke transit point
13.00 Kembali ke Surabaya
16.00 Diperkirakan sampai Surabaya
Cak Ferdi
WA +6282136374017
BB 526B7E5C
Line. @bromotravel (with @)